Kristen Nicholson, the Logistics Magician for Adventure Geek Productions, grew up in Clover, South Carolina. A stellar athlete and human supercomputer, Kristen brings unmatched organization and practicality to the table. She constantly exceeds expectations, thanks to her early professional research experience with NASA and The Cleveland Clinic before turning 20. Kristen serves as the brain and anchor to Jefferson's muscle and high-flying project ideas.
With 12 years of participation in events, Kristen has seen it all – the good, the bad, and the dehydrated. Stepping into the driver's seat of Adventure Geek Productions, she leveraged her experiences and achievements to excel in race directing for a decade. Her vast knowledge of the intricate details involved in successful events is invaluable. Currently, Kristen is the Director of the Wake Forest University Pitching Lab and an Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Wake Forest Baptist University. When not leading motion capture studies or programming injury prediction models, she cares for the kids, ensuring the family can embark on their own adventures. Kristen loves to travel and isn't afraid to get hands-on and messy in the process. Kristen's professional event consulting qualifications include: